User Manual
■ Technical features
■ Safety warnings
■ Dimensions
page 11
page 12
page 13
page 14
page 15
Program menu: new astro night
Program menu: new astro daily
Program menu: new astro weekly
Program menu: new astro yearly (or monthly)
Program menu: new astro holiday
Program menu: check
page 38
page 42
page 43
page 44
page 46
page 48
page 50
page 52
page 53
page 54
page 56
■ Wiring diagrams
■ Display and keyboard description
■ Initial operation
■ Start page (or main)
Program menu: modify
■ Menu description
Program menu: copy
Program menu: delete
■ Settings menu
Language setting menu
■ Bluetooth
■ Bus menu
Simple network configuration (one DY365,
one or more remote actuators)
Complex network configuration (several
DY365, one or more remote actuators)
Connection test
Date setting menu
Time setting menu
Daylight saving time (DST)/winter time (CET)
change setting menu
page 58
page 16
page 18
page 20
page 21
page 22
page 23
page 26
page 31
page 32
page 33
page 34
page 36
Astronomical coordinates setting menu
Random switchings setting menu
Cycle switchings setting menu
Protection PIN setting menu
■ Manual operation menu
■ Program menu
page 58
page 59
page 60
page 61
page 62
page 64
page 66
page 68
page 69
page 70
page 70
Programs copy on the bus
Reception programs on the bus
■ SYNC menu
■ Hour couter menu
Program menu: new
■ Reset menu
Program menu: new daily timed
Program menu: new weekly timed
Program menu: new yearly timed (or monthly)
Program menu: new holiday timed
■ Firmware menu
■ Error signals
■ Battery management
■ Reference standards
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User manual DY365
DY365 is an electronic digital time switch for the management over time of the electrical devices. It allows time programming (periodicity: daily,
weekly or annual) or astronomical programming. DY365 has two on-board relays but it’s able to control up to eight different channels (relay); the
other six channels are realized by remote actuators available as accessories: DY365 4CE (4 relays) or DY365 2CE (2 relays), connected to the DY365
via BUS. Each channel can be associated with a different programming (time or astronomical). DY365 also offers the possibility to connect via BUS a
GPS module, DY GPS (available as an accessory), that captures the time and the position through the satellite system, ensuring high accuracy over
time or DY DCF77 (available as an accessory), that captures the time ensuring high accuracy over time. The backup battery keeps the settings even
in case of power failure and can be replaced through the cover (sealable). DY365 time switch has a Bluetooth interface that allows it to be coupled
with mobile devices (smartphone or tablet). Thanks to the free app that can be downloaded from the AppStore and Google Play stores, it is possible
to program and make settings directly on your smartphone, and then transfer all the data to the time switch.
DY365 4CE
DY365 2CE
Astronomical time switch with bus for connecting GPS modules and remote actuators
GPS module for receiving time and position from satellites
Time module for receiving time
Remote actuator module with 4 auxiliary relays of 8A / 250V
Remote actuator module with 2 auxiliary relays of 8A / 250V
DY365 4CE
DY365 2CE
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User manual DY365
Power supply: 230 Vac (-15% ÷ +10%) 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: 7 VA (2.6W)
Lithium backup battery: 3V, CR14250 type (replaceable)
8 available channels*
Storable programs: 450 (900 events) (divisible on 8 channels)
Actions type: 1B
Bluetooth BLE 4.2 communication interface (active with mains
power supply)
Operating frequency band: 2400-2483.5 MHz
Maximum transmitted radiofrequency power: 4 dBm
Operating temperature: -20 ÷ +50 °C
Operating humidity: 20 ÷ 90% non condensing
Storage temperature: -25 ÷ +70 °C
Container: 4 DIN modules
Terminals for:
- device power supply (terminals 1-2)
- auxiliary power supply output of 12V dc 10%, 80mA,
1W (compatible with DY GPS or DY DCF77 power supply)
(terminals 6-7)
- communication bus for the connection of DY365 4CE,
DY365 2CE, DY GPS or DY DCF77 additional modules
(terminals 8-9)
- monostable change-over relay 1 with maximum switchable
load of 16A / 250V (terminals 10-11-12)
- monostable change-over relay 2 with maximum switchable
load of 16A / 250V (terminals 16-17-18)
Terminal block for cables with maximum cables section
of 2.5 mm2
Protection degree: IP20
Insulation: reinforced between accessible parts (front) and all
the other terminals
* The 8 channels are realized physically by as many relays.
The channels 1 and 2 are realized by the relays mounted on the
DY365; the other 6 channels are realized through the connection
via bus of DY365 4CE / DY365 2CE additional modules.
Display LCD with backlight (active with AC power supply)
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User manual DY365
n During product installation and operation it is necessary to
observe the following instructions:
1) The instrument must be installed by a qualified person,
strictly in observance of the connection diagrams shown in
this manual.
2) After installation inaccessibility to the terminals without
using dedicated tools must be guaranteed.
3) Before accessing the connection terminals, make sure that
the leads are not live.
4) Do not connect or feed the instrument if any part of it is
5) The product must be installed and activated in compliance
with current electric systems standards.
6) Do not use the instrument for anything other than the
indicated purpose.
7) In the electrical system upstream of the instrument must be
installed a protection device against the overcurrents
8) The product can be used in environments with Measurement
Category III and Pollution degree 2, according to the
Standard IEC 60730-1
9) The access to the device must be limited and the default
device PIN and Bluetooth password must be changed in
order to avoid tempering of programs of relays.
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User manual DY365
Connection of devices on the bus
I/O extension port
DY365 4CE
DY GPS and DY DCF77 must be powered by a DC voltage at 12V.
This power supply can be obtained from terminals 6-7 of DY365
(see figure).
Note: for details of the connections of the additional modules see
the instructions supplied with the products.
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User manual DY365
General indications
Time indication
Channel 1/channel 2 status indication
⑤Turn on the display
Access the menu
ESC (one level back)
“ ”: decrease datum/previous menu/ switching channel 1/
: active manual program
lock channel 1
: blocked switchings
: active random switchings
(flashing) : active cycle switchings
”: increase datum/next menu/ switching channel 2/
lock channel 2
⑦ Confirm selection
: active holiday program
: active pulse program
⑧ Hardware reset
Channels status indication (CHANNEL) / days of the week (DAY)
configured channel (in off status)
configured channel (in on status)
failed configured channel (no communication)
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User manual DY365
Once out of the package, DY365 is off: press the key
wait a moment before activating the display
The set language is English. To change it, press the key
Daylight Saving time (DST) - start of daylight saving time (DST):
change: active
last Sunday of March at 02:00
at least 3 seconds. Choose among: German, English, Spanish,
- end of daylight saving time (DST):
last Sunday of October at 03:00
French, Italian, Russian and confirm with
Make connections following the diagrams on page 5 of this
Time correction:
- sunrise: +0:00
- sunset: +0:00
Power DY365: the backlight turns on permanently. Power
possible additional connected modules (DY365 4CE, DY GPS...)
The presence of the backup battery allows the DY365 to have
updated date and time.
Time zone:
+1:00 UTC
Random switchings:
- minimum: 1 minute
- maximum: 5 minutes
To make the other settings follow the following steps:
Cycle switchings:
- ON duration: 1 minute
- OFF duration: 1 minute
- format: DD/MM/YY
- 1st day of the week: Monday
PIN protection:
disabled (---)
Astronomical coordinates - country: France
- city: Paris
disabled (Password: 000000)
GPS module:
- latitude: North (48° 51’ 36”)
- longitude: East (2° 21’ 00”)
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User manual DY365
START PAGE (or main)
information messages
relay 2 status
channels status*
relay 1 status
Press the key:
to access the menu of the instrument
Information messages
to scroll through the messages of DY365
- day of the week
- GPS status (if enabled)
- battery status (only if discharged)
to display the Bluetooth signal level or the calculated
sunrise and sunset times***
*** The displayed times take into account possible entered values
of correction (see page 16)
* See page 6. In this case there isn’t any configured channel
(no number turned on)
if the display shows
means that the calculated sunrise
time is after the sunset time if the display show
means that the calculated sunrise time is before 00:00 or that
the calculated sunset is at 23:59
** Only if DY365 is not powered by mains.
In this condition the backlight is not active and the relay is in
off status.
NOTE: The device is supplied with deactivated Bluetooth
interface. To activate it, access Bluetooth menu (see page 54).
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User manual DY365
Access the store of your device, install and start the free app DBT TIMER
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User manual DY365
Activate Bluetooth on DY365 device (see page 54).
At the start the app displays the list of the associated DY365 devices. To associate a new device, press the symbol “ ” in the upper
right corner.
All the Bluetooth devices detected nearby are displayed: select the device to be associated from the list.
Note: each device is identified by the product code (for example DY365) and by the serial number (for example 00000020).
These informations can be viewed from the main page of the DY365
Warning: make sure that the DY365 is mains powered, Bluetooth interface is activated and that the display shows the main page (initial).
Otherwise the Bluetooth interface is not active and the device is not visible
Enter the password to associate the DY365 with your device
After successfully completing the procedure, the DY365 is added in the list of the associated devices.
Select the DY365 on which you want to act from the list of the associated devices
Note: communication between the app and the DY365 is point-to-point. This means that,
even in the presence of multiple DY365, the app can communicate with one only at a time.
The DY365 currently connected to the app displays the symbol * immediately after the serial number
The app displays the initial page of the selected DY365. From this page you can:
a. Create new programs that will then be copied to the DY365
b. Change the settings of the DY365
c. View the parameters and associate an alias to the DY365
d. Manually control the relay output/s and activate the random switching function or cycle function.
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User manual DY365
“Settings” menu allows you to change: language, date, time, daylight saving time (DST),
astronomical coordinates, minimum and maximum duration of the interval between
two switchings with random program, PIN for keyboard lock.
“Manual” menu allows you to switch or to lock the status of any
channel and to activate the function of random or cycle switchings.
“Programming” menu allows you to set a new
program or to check, to copy, to modify or to
delete a set program.
“Bluetooth” menu allows
you to configure the Bluetooth
communication interface.
“Bus” menu allows you to configure
additional relay modules and to transfer
programs among DY365.
“Sync” menu allows the configuration of DY GPS or DY DCF77 module.
“Hour counter” menu allows you to check the operation hours
(relay on) of the loads connected to each channel (relay).
“Reset” menu allows you to reset settings, programmed settings, operating hour counter.
“Ver FW” menu allows you to check the firmware version installed on the device.
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User manual DY365
“Settings” menu allows you to view and eventually to modify the
the general operation settings of DY365, such as:
automatic daylight saving time (DST) change
position (astronomical coordinates)
interval duration between two random switchings
ON and OFF time duration for cycle switchings
keys protection by PIN
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User manual DY365
Language setting menu
Available languages:
German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian.
Quick access: from the main page it’s possible to access the
language setting by pressing the key
for at least 3 seconds.
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User manual DY365
Date setting menu
Parameters modification
Possible date formats: day-month-year (
), year-month-day (
month-day-year (
Choose, by convention, the first day of the week. In Italy, for example, the first day of the week
is Monday, in the UK it’s Sunday.
Enter the date: day, month, year.
If DY GPS is connected and active, DY365 synchronizes date, time and coordinates (longitude, latitude) thanks to the received GPS signal.
If DY DCF77 is connected and active, DY365 synchronizes date and time only.
Synchronization occurs automatically every 30 minutes and is indicated by flashing the field "Time" (2 times).
The data received from DY GPS / DY DCF77 overwrite possible changes made manually.
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User manual DY365
Time setting menu
Parameters modification
Set the time: hours, minutes.
Set the time zone*. Range: -14:00 ÷ +14:00 (at 15 minutes steps).
For Italy set +1:00.
* The time zone must be set manuallly also with connected DY GPS module.
If DY GPS is connected and active, DY365 synchronizes date, time and coordinates (longitude, latitude) thanks to the received GPS signal.
If DY DCF77 is connected and active, DY365 synchronizes date and time only.
Synchronization occurs automatically every 30 minutes and is indicated by flashing the field "Time" (2 times).
The data received from DY GPS / DY DCF77 overwrite possible changes made manually.
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User manual DY365
Daylight saving time (DST)/winter time (CET) change setting menu
Daylight saving time (DST)/winter time(CET) change and vice versa can occur in an automatic way. In this case, DY365:
- increases by an hour in the passage from winter time (CET) to daylight saving time (DST)
- decreases by an hour in the passage from daylight saving time (DST) to winter time (CET)
For every change it’s necessary to specify:
the week of the month during
which the time change occurs
(first, second, third, fourth, last)
the day of the week
(Monday: 1, Tuesday: 2, ...)
the month
the hour
In Italy,for example, daylight saving time (DST) begins occurs the last (
last ( ) Sunday ( ) of October ( ) at o’clock.
) Sunday ( ) of March (
) at
o’clock, and ends the
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User manual DY365
Parameters modification
Choose to activate (
Set date and time of the winter time (CET)-daylight saving time (DST) change.
Set date and time of the daylight saving time (DST)-winter time (CET) change.
) or to disable (
) the automatic time change.
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User manual DY365
Astronomical coordinates setting menu
The setting of the geographical coordinates of the installation place allows DY365 to calculate, for each day of the year, sunrise and sunset
To simplify the procedure, in the DY365 are stored the coordinates of the locations listed below; if your location is among them you can select
it from the menu , otherwise it’s necessary to enter the coordinates of latitude and longitude (menu
Note: the display on point shows “---------” if the coordinates have been entered manually or captured via DY GPS.
Location stored in DY365: Major cities of France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom
and some other major cities in the rest of the world
The correction of sunrise and sunset times is useful for applications that require the turning on of lights in particular localities. It’s possible, in
fact, that the presence of disturbing elements, such as the mountains, can influence actual times of sunrise and sunset, making it necessary
to advance or delay of a few minutes the calculated times.
The twilight is the time interval before sunrise, or after sunset, characterized by the permanence of the light due to the spread by the atmo-
sphere of the Sun light. During these time intervals it’s possible to distinguish clearly objects and conduct outdoor activities without using
additional lighting. Therefore, in some applications it is more interesting to take as times of switching on and off the twilight (civil) in place
of sunrise and sunset. With DY365 it’s possible to choose to turn on/off the loads depending on the times of sunrise and sunset or the civil
twilight. The calculated time correction also applies to the times of twilight. To view the calculated switching on time (sunset) and switching
off time (sunrise), from the main page press the key ok (see page 8).
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User manual DY365
Parameters modification
Choose the installation location. If it’s not present, proceed with steps and
Set the latitude of installation place.
Set the longitude of installation location.
Set a possible correction of the calculated sunrise time. Positive values to delay, negative values
to anticipate.
Set a possible correction of the calculated sunset time. Positive values to delay, negative values
to anticipate.
Choose as switching times the civil twilight (
) times.
) in place of sunrise and sunset
If DY GPS is connected and active, DY365 synchronizes date, time and coordinates (longitude, latitude)
thanks to the received GPS signal. If DY DCF77 is connected and active, DY365 synchronizes date and
time only. Synchronization occurs automatically every 30 minutes and is indicated by flashing the field
"Time" (2 times). The data received from DY GPS / DY DCF77 overwrite possible changes made manually.
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User manual DY365
Random switchings setting menu
The “random switching ” function (manual menu Ò random manual) allows you to automatically switch and at random time intervals any
channel among the 8 available.
In this menu it’s possible to define the minimum and maximum duration of the time interval between two random switchings. Default mini-
mum duration is 1 minute, maximum duration is 5 minutes.
Parameters modification
Set the minimum duration. It’s possible to set values between 1 minute and the maximum duration.
Set the maximum duration. It’s possible to set values between the minimum duration and 23:59.
Note: setting the minimum duration equal to the maximum, the switchings will occur at fixed time intervals.
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User manual DY365
Cycle switchings setting menu
The “cycle switching” function (manual menù Ò cycle manual) is a succession of on and off switching.
The cycle programme always starts from the on status. In this menu it’s possible to define the duration of on and off.
The duration of the on and off duration cannot be less than one minute.
Default on duration: 1minute, OFF duration: 1 minute
Parameters modification
Set the ON duration. It’s possible to set values between 1 minute and 99:59 hours.
Set the OFF duration. It’s possible to set values between 1 minute and 99:59 hours.
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User manual DY365
Protection PIN setting menu
The protection code (PIN) is used to lock the keyboard and prevent changes by unauthorized persons. With active PIN protection, pressing
any key, it’s necessary to enter the PIN: if PIN is correct the keyboard unlocks; after 3 minutes without pressing a key, the keyboard will lock
To activate PIN protection:
- set a value between 000 and 999
To disable PIN protection:
- set “---” (located before 000 or after 999)
Note: If you have forgotten your PIN code to unlock DY365 it’s necessary to carry out a hardware reset (see page 66).
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User manual DY365
“Manual” menu allows you to manually take action on the channels of DY365 and to check their status (on, off, or “------” if the channel
is not configured).
Possible operations:
program: the selected channel follows the set programming
temporary on : the selected channel is set on until the next programmed off event
temporary off : the selected channel is set off until the next programmed on event
permanent on : the selected channel is locked in on position until the manual unlocking (to unlock, access this menu and set a
different operation)
permanent off : the selected channel is locked in off position until the manual unlocking (to unlock, access this menu and set a
different operation)
random : the selected channel is set on and then will take place switching on / off at random intervals (the minimum and maximum
interval can be set from “Settings Ò random” menu)
⑦ cycle: the selected channel is set on and then will take place switching on / off (the ON and OFF duration can be set from
“Settings Ò cycle” menu)
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Channel status
- “-----” not configured channel
- on (off): on (off) channel after a programmed event
- on (off) + : on (off) channel after manual setting
- on (off) + : on (off) channel with blocked switching
- on (off) + : on (off) channel after random event
- on (off) + (flashing): active cycle switchings
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User manual DY365
Shortcut keys
For channel aboard the DY365 (channel 1-2) it’s possible to set the operations described on pag. 21 through a combination of keys:
- temporary on/off:
press the key
for channel 1 or
for channel 2. If on becomes off and vice versa.
- permanent on/off:
press for a long time (for 3 seconds at least) the key
for channel 1 or
for channel 2. The current state is locked until the unlocking
(press again for a long time the key
- random:
press contemporary and for a long time (for 3 seconds at least) the key
for channel 1 or
for channel 2.
Press again simultaneously and for a long time the keys
- cycle:
press contemporary and for a long time (for 3 seconds at least) the keys
Press again simultaneously and for a long time the keys
to disable the function.
and for channel 1 or for channel 2.
to disable the function.
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The menu “program” allows you to:
create a new program
check created programs
change or delete a created program
copy all created programs on a channel in another channel
delete all programs of a channel
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Channels selection
scroll through the channels from 1 to 8:
- by pressing the key
- by pressing the key
to move to the next channel without selecting the current channel
to select/deselect the current channel and move to the next
Select days
scroll through the days of the week from 1 to 7:
- by pressing the key
- by pressing the key
to move to the next day without selecting the current day
to select/deselect the current day and move to the next
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User manual DY365
Programs types
• Program ON/OFF: it is composed of a switching of the ON relay and of a subsequent switching of the OFF relay. It can have a daily period
(everyday with the same modes), weekly (every week with the same modes), annual (every year with the same modes)*.
• PULSE ON Program: is an ON relay switching for a maximum duration of 59 seconds. It can have a daily period (everyday with the same
modes), weekly (every week with the same modes), annual (every year with the same modes)*.
• PULSE OFF program: is a relay switching OFF for a maximum duration of 59 seconds. It can have daily period (everyday with the same
modes), weekly (every week with the same modes), annual (every year with the same modes)*.
• HOLIDAY program: is a period of time defined by a start time and an end time within which all programmed switchings (of that channel)
are disabled. The relay is in OFF position (OFF holiday) or in ON position (ON holiday).
* In the annual program, it’s possible to specify the month. In this case, the period is monthly (every month with the same modes). It’s also
possible to specify a definite date (the program carried out only once).
Channel types
• TIME channel: carries out programs of time type: ON / OFF, ON pulse, OFF pulse, holiday
• ASTRO channel: carries out programs of astronomical type, i.e. in the interval delimited by sunrise and sunset**: ON/OFF, ON pulse, OFF
pulse, holiday, night programs (see pages 36-37). ON switchings set before sunset are carried out at sunset, OFF switchings set after sunrise
are carried out at sunrise (except for some night programs that can have switching on or switching off during the day. See on page 36).
** times of sunrise and sunset are automatically calculated by DY365 according to geographic coordinates set during installation. In place of
sunrise and sunset times it’s possible to use the times of civil twilight (see page 18).
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User manual DY365
Important: on the same channel can’t coexist ON pulses and OFF pulses (if an ON pulse is already present, it’s not possible to save a
holiday OFF program and vice versa).
Important: on the same channel can’t coexist holiday ON programs and holiday OFF programs (if a holiday ON program is already
present, it’s not possible to save a holiday OFF program and vice versa).
Important: a channel may be either of clockwise or of astronomical type, but it can’t be of both types simultaneously. It’s not possible
to save programs of astronomical type on a channel where are stored programs of time type (and vice versa). Messages of
(astro program on channel astro) and
(time program on astro channel).
In this case to proceed it’s necessary to delete the saved programs on that channel (see page 53).
Programs priority
The priority programs defines how DY365 manages the case in which programs with different period are running at the same time
(1 indicates higher priority).
* Date: select day, month, year (program carried “only once in the life of the product”). If the month is not specified, the program is carried
out all days xx of all months of the specified year.
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User manual DY365
of Monday begins and ends before the beginning of the weekly
program). Instead, the daily program of Sunday is carried out
because it’s the only one running for that day.
Priority list on/off
In case in which, on the same channel, on/off programs are provi-
ded with different period (daily, weekly, ...) to carry out in the same
day, only the program with the highest priority is executed.
Daily program
Holiday program
The holiday program just begins and ends exactly at the specified
Daily program
Weekly program
Weekly program
Carried out program
Carried out program
From this example it’s possible to see that the daily event on
Monday is not carried out because in the same day it is provided
the beginning of the week program (even if the daily program
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Program menu: new
Choose the
Choose the channels to program*
* See “Channels selection” on page 27
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Program menu: new daily timed
Program parameters
- on/off: on time and off time
- on pulse: time and pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
- off pulse: time and pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
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Program menu: new weekly timed
Program parameters
- on/off: day (or days)* and on time, day (or days) and off time
- on pulse: day (or days)* and pulse time, pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
- off pulse: day (or days)* and pulse time, pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
* See “Days selection” on page 27
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Program menu: new yearly timed (or monthly)
Program parameters
- on/off: day (or days) and on time, day (or days) and off time
- on pulse: day (or days) and pulse time, pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
- off pulse: day (or days) and pulse time, pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
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How to choose the day (or days) in an annual program (or monthly)
to set the program:
to set the program on the last day:
in the first, second, third, fourth or last week of the month
in / the day/s (Monday, ...) of the week just specified
the specified month ( for all months)
the given year ( for all years)
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
to set the program on the day XX (1,2,3...):
Note: the on event must correspond to the off in the same day. For
example, if the program includes two events on Monday and
on Wednesday, then there will be two off events on Monday
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
and on Wednesday. Otherwise
is signaled.
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Program menu: new holiday timed
HOLIDAY OFF: the relay is OFF from the
beginning to the end of Holiday program
HOLIDAY ON: the relay is ON from the
beginning to the end of Holiday program
Program parameters
- beginning of the program
- end of the program
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How to choose the day (or days) in a holiday program
to set the program:
to set the program on the last day:
in the first, second, third, fourth or last week of the month
in / the day/s (Monday, ...) of the week just specified
the specified month ( for all months)
the given year ( for all years)
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
to set the program on the day XX (1,2,3...):
Nota: in this case, the holiday program must begin and end
in the same day. Otherwise is signaled.
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
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Program menu: new astro night
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How to select nights
scroll through the nights of the week from the first (1-2) to the last (7-1):
- by pressing the key
- by pressing the key
key to move to the next night without selecting the current night
to select/deselect the current night and move to the next
How to interpret the selection
If the night between the days of A and B is selected, the day A is on and underlined while B is on (not underlined).
Examples of selection:
Selected nights: between day 1 and 2, between day 2 and 3, between day 3 and 4, between day 4 and 5
Selected nights: between day 1 and 2, between day 2 and 3, between day 4 and 5
Selected nights: between day 1 and 2, between day 3 and 4, between day 7 and 1
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Night programs
Turning on at sunset, turning off during the
night. Turning on during the night, turning
off at sunrise.
Turning on at sunset, turning off at sunrise.
No parameter required.
Choose one of the three following cases:
Turning on at sunset, turning off at a
settable time.
Turning on at a settable time, turning off
at sunrise. (*)
Off from sunset to sunrise.
No parameter required.
Turning on at sunset, turning off after a
settable time interval.
Turning on before sunrise of a settable
time interval, turning off at sunrise.
* If off time is before sunset switching is not carried out. If on
time is after sunrise switching is not carried out.
Turning on at sunset for a settable short
duration (pulse, max 59 seconds).
Turning on at sunrise for a short settable
duration (pulse, max 59 seconds).
** Switching on continues for the entire set time interval (also
if off time is after sunrise).
*** Switching on occurs before sunrise of the entire set time
interval (also if on time is before sunset).
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Turning on at sunset, turning off during
the night.
Choose one of the three following cases:
Turning on during the night, turning off at
Choose one of the three following cases:
Turning on at sunset, turning off at a
settable time. (*)(**)
Turning on at a settable time, turning off
at sunrise. (*)(***)
Turning on before sunrise of a settable
time interval, turning off at sunrise. (***)
Turning on at sunset, turning off after a
settable time interval. (**)
Turning on at sunrise for a settable short
duration (pulse, max 59 seconds).
Turning on at sunset for a settable short
duration (pulse, max 59 seconds).
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Program menu: new astro daily
Program parameters
- on/off: on time and off time
- on pulse: time and pulse duration
(maximum 59 seconds)
- off pulse: time and pulse duration
(maximum 59 seconds)
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Program menu: new astro weekly
Program parameters
- on/off: day (or days)* and on time, day (or
days) and off time
- on pulse: day (or days)* and pulse time,
pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
- off pulse: day (or days)* and pulse time,
pulse duration (max 59 seconds)
* See “Days selection” on page 27
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Program menu: new astro yearly (or monthly)
Program parameters
- on/off: on time and off time
- on pulse: time and pulse duration
(max 59 seconds)
- off pulse: time and pulse duration
(max 59 seconds)
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How to choose the day (or days) in an astro annual program (or monthly)
to set the program:
to set the program on the last day:
in the first, second, third, fourth or last week of the month
in / the day/s (Monday, ...) of the week just specified
the specified month ( for all months)
the given year ( for all years)
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
to set the program on the day XX (1,2,3...):
Note: the on event must correspond to the off in the same day. For
example, if the program includes two events on Monday and
on Wednesday, then there will be two off events on Monday
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
and on Wednesday. Otherwise
is signaled.
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Program menu: new astro holiday
HOLIDAY OFF: the relay is OFF from the
beginning to the end of holiday program.
HOLIDAY ON: the relay is ON from the
beginning to the end of holiday program.
Program parameters
- beginning of the program
- end of the program
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How to choose the day (or days) in a holiday astro program
to set the program:
to set the program on the last day:
in the first, second, third, fourth or last week of the month
in / the day/s (Monday, ...) of the week just specified
the specified month ( for all months)
the given year ( for all years)
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
to set the program on the day XX (1,2,3...):
Note: in this case, the holiday program must begin and end in the
same day. Otherwise is signaled.
of all months of all years
of the specified VV month of all years
of all months of the specified ZZ year
of the specified VV month of the specified ZZ year
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User manual DY365
Program menu: check
Indication of the
memory space
(76 of 450)
How to check a program
choose the channel: 1 ... 8
choose the period: daily, weekly, annual, holiday or night (when it is a channel of astronomical type)
choose the type: on/off, on pulse, off pulse or a night program (only if it is a channel of astronomical type)
Note: a program requires more screens to be displayed:
- press the key
- press the keys
to move from the first to the second part of the same program
and to switch from one program to another
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Choose the
Choose the
Choose the
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User manual DY365
Program menu: modify
Indication of the
memory space
(76 of 450)
How to modify or to delete a program
choose the channel: 1 ... 8
choose the period: daily, weekly, annual, holiday or night (only if it’s an astronomical channel)
choose the type: on/off, on pulse, off pulse or a night program (only if it’s an astronomical channel)
Note: a program requires more screens to be displayed:
- press the key
- press the keys
to move from the first to the second part of the same program
and key to switch from one program to another
To modify: press for a long time (at least 3 seconds) the key
To delete: press for a long time and simultaneously the keys
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Choose the
Choose the
Choose the
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Program menu: copy
the origin
Select the
“Copy” menu allows copying the programs of a channel (origin channel) on one or more channels (channels destination).
Note: the programs previously stored on the destination channels will be deleted.
* See “Channels selection” on page 27
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User manual DY365
Program menu: delete
Selection of
channels to
be delete*
“Delete” menu is used to delete all stored programs on one or more channels.
Note: to delete one single program to see “modify” mode (see page 50).
* See “Channels selection” on page 27
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User manual DY365
The Bluetooth menu allows you to enable or disable the Bluetooth interface and change the password used to associate your device
(smartphone or tablet) to DY365.
The device is supplied with deactivated Bluetooth interface. To activate it, it's enough to access Bluetooth menu and set a password different
from 000000. With Bluetooth menu it's possible to activate or deactivate the interface or change the password.
After changing the password the first time, it's not possible to set the value 000000.
To enable the Bluetooth interface:
set Bluetooth ON
Warning: to make the Bluetooth interface active, the DY365 must be mains powered and connected to the main page (see page 8). The
Bluetooth interface is therefore not active when browsing through the DY365 menus.
To disable the Bluetooth interface:
set Bluetooth OFF
In this way no communication can take place between your device and DY365. DY365 works with the settings and programs already set; any
changes or creation of new programs must be made by acting directly on the keyboard of DY365.
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User manual DY365
Password change
Changing the password
The password is the 6-digit code required by the app for the first association between
DY365 and smartphone
Press the key
Set the first digit with the keys
keys and press the key
to the next digit.
for at least 3 seconds until the first digit of the password starts to
to confirm and move
Repeat step
to set all 6 digits.
After confirming the last digit, the display shows
the new password.
Press the key
to exit the menu.
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User manual DY365
DY365 enables you to control 8 independent channels but It has
two relays (for channels 1 and 2). With additional DY365 4CE or
DY365 2CE modules it’s possible to add some relays and associate
these relays to the channels of DY365.
The remote actuators and DY365 all together are named
“Bus” menu allows you to configure or to test the connection
between DY365 and the actuators
several DY365 connected to the network
or share programs among
configure the outputs, to associate the channels of DY365
to the channels (relays) of the remote actuators
to test the connection, to verify the correct association among
the channels of DY365 and the channels (relays) of the
to send programs to the other DY365 connected to the network
to receive the programs from another DY365 connected to the
Note: during the configuration or channels test and during the
reception of programs on the bus the switchings of all
channels are disabled.
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User manual DY365
Simple network configuration (one DY365, one or more remote actuators)
1. On the remote actuator: activate “Channel configuration” mode (see the documentation supplied with the actuator)
2. On the DY365:
2.1 Select
and confirm with . DY365 verifies the uniqueness of its address and when the test is successful it displays
2.2 Press
2.3 Press the key
to continue. Choose with the keys
and the channel to configure of DY365
for at least 3 seconds. After configuration, the channel flashes (2 times) and the message
To delete the configuration of a channel, select the channel (steps 2.1 and 2.2) and press simultaneously for 3 seconds the keys
Complex network configuration (several DY365 one or more remote actuators)
About the configuration of the network in the case of several connected DY365, contact ABB Technical Support.
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User manual DY365
Connection test
The test is used to verify proper communication between DY365 and the remote actuator. It’s possible to test multiple channels
During the test a series of on-off commands are sent every 5 seconds to the relay in test. It’s possible to exit the test:
- by pressing the key
- by pressing the key
to exit the test and test another channel
to exit the test and return to the main page
* See “Channels selection” on page 27
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User manual DY365
Programs copy on the bus
This function allows you to transfer programs from a DY365 to other DY365 connected to the same network. It’s possible:
- to force the transfer to all other DY365 connected to the network (
- to transfer programs only to DY365 on which the reception mode* has been activated (
only for
It’s not possible to select the programs to copy, the entire memory area is copied. The programs previously stored on DY365 destination
will be deleted.
Warning. The function
overwrites the programs of all DY365 connected to the network: use with caution.
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* Reception programs on the bus
Activate reception mode (
) to receive the programs from another connected DY365 (that transmits programs via the function
). The DY365 remains in reception for 1 minute and this condition is signaled from the flashing
In the case where the reception is not successful the message
Reception programs can take place at any time (even if the reception mode is not activated). This happens if another DY365 connected to the
network transmits by using the function
is displayed.
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User manual DY365
SYNC menu allows you to enable or disable the presence of the additional DY GPS or DY DCF77 modules.
DY GPS allows you to capture the information of date, time and location from satellites and then to transfer them
to DY365. DY DCF77 allows you to capture the informations of date and time. Both DY GPS and DY DCF77 are available as accessories.
Synchronization occurs every 30 minutes. In this way the time of DY365 is always synchronized and are canceled the drifts due to the
tolerance of the oscillator which marks the time base.
To enable the presence of DY GPS / DY DCF77:
set SyNC ON
It’s also possible to display the status of the connection to DY GPS / DY DCF77 (ok, waiting, error).
From the status page, while by pressing the key
DY365 (the display shows
for at least 3 seconds it’s possible to force data sending from DY GPS / DY DCF77 to
To disable the presence of DY GPS / DY DCF77:
set SyNC OFF
If DY GPS or DY DCF77 modules are not connected, it’s advisable to set SyNC OFFto avoid displaying unnecessary information message
SyNC ERRon the start page of DY365 (see page 8).
Note: the internal oscillator which marks the time base allows DY365 to maintain the updated time even without the presence
of DY GPS / DY DCF77. In this case clock accuracy is 0.5 seconds per day.
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SYNC status
SYNC status
DY GPS module has hooked a sufficient number
of satellites for a correct synchronization.
Displays the number of hooked satellites (10 in this case).
DY GPS module is not properly connected to DY365.
Check the wiring diagrams in this manual.
DY GPS module has not hooked a sufficient number of satellites for a correct synchronization.
If this condition persists for more than a few hours, it’s advisable to move DY GPS module
in a better position to receive (outside the building).
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User manual DY365
“Hour counter” menu allows you to display the hours of use (relay on) of connected loads. The device has 8 counters, one for each channel.
The maximum value of the counters is 99999 hours (about 11 years); reached the maximum limit, the counter resets automatically.
To reset a counter:
1. select the desired channel
2. press the key
for 3 seconds until the display shows “
(press to exit without zeroing)
3. confirm by pressing
Note: it’s possible to reset all counters contemporary from the “Reset” menu (see page 66).
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User manual DY365
“Reset” menu allows you to restore the initial state of the device.
Available resets:
Settings reset: deletes all the carried out settings (except the language, PIN and the channel settings on the BUS)
Time programs reset: deletes all saved time programs
Holiday programs reset: deletes all saved holiday programs
Astro programs reset: deletes all saved astronomical programs
Counter reset: resets the counters of all channels
All reset: carries out all the above described resets and deletes the language, PIN protection and the channels settings on the bus
There is also another reset, of hardware type, which allows you to reset the device in case it responds to the pressing of the keys so
unexpectedly, without losing the carried out settings/programs (only the date and the time are lost).
To carry out a hardware reset:
1. press the key “R” with a sharp object
The hardware reset is also useful when you forget PIN protection. Reset, in fact, unlocks the keyboard for 3 minutes, the necessary time to
access the appropriate menu and check/disable PIN.
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This menu shows the firmware installed in the device, where:
022 is the revision index
05 is the month
20 is the day
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When setting up programs, in case of a discrepancy, the following
error messages can occur:
Attempt to set an annual program of on and off
events on different days
Attempt to set an astro program on a channel of
time (see page 27)
On and off events with different frequency (each
on event must have an off event)
On and off concomitant events of the same
Two or more consecutive on events of the same
program / Two or more consecutive off events of
the same program
Attempt to set a time program on a channel of
time type (see page 27)
Error accessing memory *
* In this case, carry out a hardware reset (see page 66).
If the error persists, contact ABB technical support
Invalid date
Insufficient memory
Attempt to set an on pulse on a channel where is
already stored an off pulse (see page 27)
Attempt to set an off pulse on a channel where is
already stored an on impulse (see page 27)
Attempt to set an on holiday program on a
channel where is already stored an off holiday
program (see page 27)
Attempt to set a holiday off program on a channel
where a holiday on program is already stored
(see page 27)
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When the battery is close to empty, on the first line of the display
soon as possible.
. In this case, the battery must be replaced as
ABB declares that the device complies with the EU directive
2014/53/EU (RED) with reference to the following standards:
To replace the battery:
- remove the cover of battery compartment
- replace the battery with one of 3V CR14250 type and put the
• EN 60730-2-7
• ETSI EN 301 489-1
• ETSI EN 301 489-17
• ETSI EN 300 328
In order not to lose the programming steps and carried out
settings, it is necessary to ensure that the time for the battery
replacement doesn’t exceed 60 seconds (in absence of power by
The complete text of EU conformity declaration is available at the
Dispose of the used batteries observing the laws in force
in relation to the disposal of hazardous waste.
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User manual DY365
V.le dell’Industria 18
20010 Vittuone (MI) - Italy
Tel. +39 02 2415 0000
© Copyright 2019 ABB S.P.A . All rights reserved.
We reserve the right to make technical changes
or modify the contents of this document without prior notice.
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